johanna müller

«hidden hills» at hek, «UBERMORGEN, johanna müller, giulia essyad. swiss media art – pax art awards 2023», group exhibition, basel, 2024 ©franz wamhof«i worked out today and now i’m posing with my art piece (wallpaper)» at hek, «UBERMORGEN, johanna müller, giulia essyad. swiss media art – pax art awards 2023», group exhibition, basel, 2024 ©franz wamhof«what if, …» at villa sträuli, solo exhibition, winterthur, 2021 ©johanna müller

«i worked out today and now i’m posing with my art piece» at kunsthalle winterthur, «i, artist», group exhibition, winterthur, 2022 ©christian schwager«how to sleep 8 hours in 4 hours» at kunsthalle winterthur, dezemberausstellung: überblick, group exhibition, winterthur, 2019 ©reto kaufmann

«mutable life (farewell quilt)» at kunstkasten winterthur, 2022 ©fabian stamm«invalid credentials» at hek, «UBERMORGEN, johanna müller, giulia essyad. swiss media art – pax art awards 2023», group exhibition, basel, 2024 ©franz wamhof

«who the f*** is karen? (don’t show feelings)» at haus konstruktiv, werkschau, group exhibition, zuerich, 2022 ©peter baracchi

«who the f*** is karen? (don’t show feelings)» at kunstmuseum winterthur, «dezemberausstellung: überblick», group exhibition, winterthur, 2023 ©reto kaufmann

«what if i was wrong about what jesus looks like» at kunsthalle winterthur, dezember ausstellung, group exhibition, winterthur, 2021 ©reto kaufmann